Homemade Toothpaste

Botany & Wildcrafting Course by Herbal Academy 

This recipe is ridiculously easy. If you’re looking for a more natural toothpaste, it makes much more sense to make it than to buy it. Not many ingredients are needed and it takes about five minutes to make. It’s very easy.

The ingredients you need are:

20 drops of spearmint essential oil (more on essential oils below).

Photographed by Amanda Harman

2 teaspoons of activated charcoal.

Photographed by Amanda Harman

4 tablespoons of bentonite clay.

And 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 6 tablespoons of coconut oil. Sorry, no pictures there.

Photographed by Amanda Harman

All you do is mix all of the ingredients together and store in a glass container (I use old mason jars). It is that easy!

A quick word on the essential oils. You don’t have to use spearmint. I do often because of personal preference. I’m not swallowing the toothpaste and I rinse very well, but any hesitation in adding any essential oil is understandable. You’re not to ingest essential oil and it is not necessary to make the toothpaste.

Another good choice would be thieves oil or anything geared towards killing unwanted bacteria. Bacteria causes bad breath, so killing it makes sense. Anything that is reputable for squashing bad breath is an option as well (think your mints, even ginger!).

I have been using this toothpaste for a few months and I’m pretty sure some of the staining on my teeth has been lifted because of the activated charcoal. My teeth stain very easily (thank you, tea), so this was a huge plus for me. Check below for the abridged version of ingredients and instructions as well as product recommendations of mine.


  1. 1 tablespoon baking soda
  2. 6 tablespoons coconut oil
  3. 4 tablespoons bentonite clay
  4. 2 teaspoons activated charcoal
  5. 20 drops of essential oil or essential oil combo of your choice (look at comment above).


  • Mix all ingredients together and store at room temperature.

If you want to use my favorite supplies and ingredients, check out the links below.

Bentonite Clay
Activated Charcoal–and this stuff lasts forever!
Spearmint Essential Oil

Let us know what you think.

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When Healthy Eating Backfires

Goods Shop by Herbal Academy – botanically inspired products



I visit various areas of solicitude when my mind wanders. When I reflect on our state as a society I come across several areas of concern, one of them being society’s attitude and handling of food. The need for instant gratification combined with a lack of knowledge–or caring in some instances–on where food actually comes from in today’s world creates a battleground full of controversy and ill-informed decisions made with good intent.

Ask a young child where food comes from and, for the most part, you’ll find the answer revolves around a grocery store. Further probing may reveal that the child knows meat comes from animals, eggs from chickens, milk from cows and goats, fruit and vegetables from plants, etc. And even the ones that know this, may not understand this. The two don’t always coincide, even with adults.

Ask a young adult where food comes from and they answer with a little more confidence, truly believing they understand the whole concept of a farm growing produce and raising animals. Because really, the image they have of a farm probably reflects our farm on a larger scale.

In reality, the majority of our food comes from factory farms. Clever advertisements on some of the products these companies sell depict houses sporting the stereotypical farmhouse or fresh green pastures. Happy animals are seen on logos, sometimes outside in said green pasture imagery.

Visit a chicken factory farm and you find close quarter living arrangements. Chickens end up with little room to wander and forage as nature intended, which also means chicken waste ends up on other chickens and in their living space. This results in birds that suffer from respiratory infections caused by injured mucous membranes. Injured mucous membranes (caused by the ammonia the chickens can’t escape) makes it easier for bacteria and viruses to enter the chicken’s lungs and air sacs. Chickens poo everywhere. It’s not so much of an issue if there isn’t overcrowding and they’re pasture raised. Take a factory farm setting where there’s barely room to move and you get some pretty sick poultry. Which is why we see an increased level of antibiotics being used, overused, and misused. It’s more profitable than to house chickens correctly.

Some factory farms are partaking in “movements” by opening windows to the barns the chickens are housed in, or making sure the lights are out at night. That’s a start, but the birds need to be out. It’s in their nature to scratch and forage for food. That brings me to another “improvement” where many companies boast about their feed. Again, great, but access to fresh grass and produce is vital, too, as well as bugs. I’ve seen my chickens eat small snakes even.

This is not something that can easily be done. The demand for food is partly responsible for the birth of the factory farm. So even large-scale farms don’t have the room. Be wary of your labels; if it says free range, that’s SOME outside time–in pens with several other chickens. An improvement, yes, but still unacceptable.

All of our birds are pasture raised and are socialized with people. They are not afraid of were they live and have access to forage all day, take dust baths as they see fit, and socialize. Yes, the birds socialize. They have their own group of friends they even hang out with. This is how domesticated chickens (and other birds) should live.

This background information leads up to my actual rant about food contamination. These birds are living in the very thing that is responsible for outbreaks of salmonella, Listeria, and e. coli. Poop. Your meat chickens are living in it. Your egg laying hens are sitting in it. Our chickens naturally do not lay eggs where they use the bathroom. They have the space to lay, roam, forage, and do their business.

The big foodborne illnesses we hear about on a consistent basis lives in the gut of these animals. If they’re not allowed the space to respond to nature’s call, contamination and harsh cleaning processes take place, neither of which are beneficial for anyone.

Dairy and other cattle factory farms are not much different. Antibiotics are the response to overcrowded living conditions instead of happy, healthy environments. In fact, over half of the antibiotic use is for agricultural purposes. The antibiotic use is abuse (I understand that’s technically my opinion) because it’s used as a preventative, which is not the intended idea behind the antibiotic. So even families who actively make it a point to avoid overusing antibiotics for something like the common cold, are still being exposed to the overuse of antibiotics into their systems. Cows are also given Bovine Growth Hormone to produce even more milk (even though the cows are kept pregnant, birthing, or milking with little to no break in between).

We do not have a cow (yet). Once we expand more we will be looking into getting a cow. Right now, we do have have a herd of miniature donkeys and mixed breed goats. They are pasture raised as well. We have grown to have two males for breeding and two different milking pairs. One pair will be pregnant and lactating, while the other pair will have a break so their bodies can recover. Antibiotics are only used if the animal is sick (we wait for it to be out of their system before milk is used) and no growth hormones are added. They’re social animals so they’re also allowed the right to socialize, grow, and spend time with their family (human and animal alike). This is how it should be.

With all of that information, it’s no wonder we get so sick. That’s not the surprising part though. What’s surprising is more foodborne illnesses come from fresh vegetables. I think this is a really big eye opener for how our food is handled. Our meats are exposed to the same contamination (Listeria, salmonella, e. coli), but the antibiotic “preventative” and harsh cleaning procedures hide this. You’re eating dirty meat that has been washed with chlorine.

So, why vegetables? Well, in an attempt to be healthier many people are seeking fresh produce. Makes sense as quite a few veggies are healthier when consumed raw and salads are a great way to pack in essential nutrients when you’re being health conscious and are short on time. It makes sense. I get it. Although fresh produce is also washed with water and chlorine, the leafy greens you’re hearing about on the news likely wasn’t cooked. Because who cooks their lettuce? Water that is contaminated and used to wash vegetables could be a source for foods carrying these bacteria, especially if it’s exposed to any fecal matter or fertilizers. Which also means water used to clean your chicken could also be contaminated, but heating foods to proper temperatures can sometimes help with that nasty fact.

A clean environment is the best preventative to these illnesses. Our hydroponic produce is separated from our animals and clean water is used on them.

It is near impossible–unless I’m not seeing it–to break free from this. Growing your own food and raising small family homesteads is becoming a lost art and we can’t let people starve. The best way to avoid this is to have your own garden and your own meat, but that’s not a viable option for everyone. Your next best bet is purchasing locally, a little easier to do with produce than meat. Check out local markets and talk to vendors. There are smaller establishments that make sure their animals are living healthy and happy lives.

We’re not meant to be cooped up, although many people force themselves to live like some animals on these factory farms: eat, sit on the couch all day, stay indoors, sleep. It’s not good for us. It makes sense that it’s also not good for these animals and it affects our food. Factory farms are in this for profit and to fill that high demand. People don’t realize that’s where their food comes from. And it gets worse. Any meals, canned soups, processed foods you purchase at the store get their meat and produce from these factory farms.

Grow more edible plants at home if it’s possible. Shop local. Take baby steps. We’re trying our best as well. We just got to where we have a pretty steady meat source for us. I cannot remember the last time we went to the grocery store for meat or produce. What we don’t grow, we purchase or trade from local farms. We’re taking baby steps, too, but we’re getting there.

What steps do you take to truly know the source of your food? What do you recommend for other people looking to educate themselves in food handling and appropriate animal raising?

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Our solar experience!

Enroll in the Botanical Skin Care Course with the Herbal Academy

A few months ago, we decided to price out solar PV(electric) for our home and farm. First, we got estimates from companies in the area. They were all nice and explained the process, elaborating on the difficulties and hardships in engineering and permitting. My husband, having an extensive background in construction, found this a little hard to believe.

After receiving quotes of up to $40,000 dollars for an 11,700 Watt system, we decided to quote the job out and see what was involved with doing it as a homeowner. We found the installation companies’ prices were so high that it was nowhere near justified. The decision was made: my husband was installing the solar. Zach contacted several retailers for solar system quotes and went with Blue Pacific Solar for the order.

After under 40 man hours, Zach had the system installed and ready to test on 7/17/2017. We completed the project with all materials for under $20,000. We will get $6,000.00 back from the tax credit. That’s $14,000 invested and we will make 18% on that money for 25 years. Every piece of equipment we installed had a double bonded 25 year warranty from the panels to optimizers to inverter.

A special thanks to all the vendors
Blue Pacific Solar
MetaWorld Civil Consulting LLC
Little Electric

Harman Farms LLC
Zachary and Amanda Harman
300 Rodeo Rd
Ormond Beach, FL 32174
zachharman8031@gmail.com                                                     amandaharman87@gmail.com

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